VOYAGERS 2022 Spanish Camino adventure: Feedback from participants

Photo gallery from 2022 adventure
•Thank you for sharing an amazing adventure with me. From misty paths across the hilly forests to scenic lookouts above the cloud-filled valleys, I felt like a hobbit among a fellowship of newfound friends. You arranged an inspiring group of Climate VOYAGERS to share an unforgettable experience with – such friendly, thoughtful and ambitious company. The trip was really valuable – I learned lessons from fellow founders and investors. — BC
•This was an awesome event. Amazing group of interesting, talented people, never had a dull conversation. And bonus: got lots of exercise! I will definitely do more VOYAGERS trips. I bet a bunch of deals will come out of this one. — JA
•It was an incredible trip – something to remember for life! Such a rich set of people and incredible stories. I learned a lot and definitely want to be part of the next incredible event. — SJ
•So much inspiration and wonderful new connections. — JD
•Pure gold. Amazing people and super well organised. Wonderful discussions, new friends, and helpful connections.— PM
•Wonderful trip, expectations firmly exceeded. A quite extraordinary experience with such universally inspiring individuals. I know I’m not alone in walking away in awe of the generosity, humility and energy of everyone in the group. — HM
•Thank you for putting so much care into this phenomenal event. — WR
•Such a magical adventure! Thank you for the incredible company, new friends and joyful memories. Feeling inspired, energised and grateful. — BB
•This group gives me hope for the state of the world. — AN
•I haven’t experienced something like this with such remarkable human beings for a long time. Stay hopeful and inspiring! — DG
•The open and humble nature made me feel welcome quickly. You have set the bar very high. — DO
•An absolutely incredible time! Everything is so well thought-through, it was just a pure joy. — SN
•Such a memorable experience with such a fantastic group. — AV
•A truly special few days. I came away with a lot of hope that we can tackle the climate crisis. — DW
•Wonderful. I’m filled with ideas and supercharged with optimism after meeting so many fantastic people. — JK
•Amazing time and experience — inspiring, positive, energetic people who are actively working on leaving a better footprint in our world. — BG
•A great experience. Amazing venues, logistics, activities and more importantly: people! Looking forward to the many tangible and intangible outcomes of all the connections made and ideas exchanged, and to the next adventures! — BJ
•Such a wonderful trip with fascinating people. — NP
•A fantastic weekend and such an interesting group. — NS
•A lovely trip and fantastic group of people. I came away quite energised. — SM
•An awesome experience … an amazing opportunity. — MM
•An amazing trip — a group of humble, creative and ambitious individuals. — DA
•It was an awesome trip with extraordinary people! Every single one was extraordinary, and each detail was organised perfectly well. — MB
•A wonderful mosaic of exercise, energy, ideas, exploration and generosity. Kudos to team VOYAGERS for curating us and showing us how it’s done. — AB
•A stunning experience. — RM
•It was not just networking, but truly connecting — which is very rewarding. — WR
•You curated magic, humility and empathy over mere functional networking in a way that I haven’t experienced before. Thank you! — BJ
•Amazing! Very impressed by the community. — YD