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Privacy Policy Ltd PRIVACY POLICY Ltd (“VOYAGERS”) does not carry advertising and does not collect your personal data for advertising.
We do not collect browsing data.
We do not sell your data to third parties.
We do not store your payment cards or bank details; to process transactions we work with Stripe and Wise, which store your data in their own systems as explained on their websites.

We collect and store data that you provide to us to manage your participation in VOYAGERS activities, specifically:
•Your participation in our adventures (data includes your contact information, dietary preferences, biography, travel itinerary, accommodation preferences, your payment status, other observations you provide to us in the context of an adventure)
•Your participation in our group meals and other in-person group activities (data includes your contact information, dietary preferences, travel itinerary, accommodation preferences, your payment status, other observations you provide to us in the context of an activity)
•Your participation in our online activities (data includes your contact information, content you have provided for these activities, which events you participate in).

When a VOYAGERS member recommends that we invite somebody to be a new member, we collect that person’s contact details and details of who made the recommendation.

We collect and store data relating to invitations we send about participation in VOYAGERS activities. This includes contact details, history of our correspondence with you and your responses, and preferences that you provide regarding your participation in an activity. We do not make this data available to third parties, apart from ensuring that our local partners (such as hotels and restaurants) are aware of your preferences.

We manage the VOYAGERS community investment fund through Angel List, which stores data it collects for regulatory compliance and identity verification, investors’ financial information, and other reasons as set out on the Angel List website. VOYAGERS does not store this data. We collect and store data about our fund investors’ contact details, fund commitments and investment preferences.

We provide VOYAGERS members with access to online directories of members. We restrict access to these directories to members via their provided email addresses, and we do not permit the directories or information within them to be shared outside VOYAGERS. We ask that all VOYAGERS members maintain the confidentiality of these directories.

If you would like us to remove your data from our system, please email

Thank you.