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VOYAGERS Edinburgh Fringe Festival Adventure: Feedback from participants

Some feedback from VOYAGERS’ Edinburgh Fringe Festival Adventure:

•It was truly exceptional and exceeded every last wild expectation I had! Such an amazing experience from start to finish. Thank you to all but especially to the incredible team that made it all happen. — JC

•A completely genuine and sincere thank you — such an amazing and magical week in Edinburgh. Really, one of the most unique and enjoyable experiences I’ve ever had the privilege of being a part of. I have lived a week in only 3 nights, and yet it passed in the blink of an eye. Your ability to bring a group of people together, as people and not job titles, and in just the right mix, was incredible. — DG

•These last few days I’ve had some of the most satisfying conversations I’ve ever had. I rarely feel like anyone gets me. Always felt like an outlier — and not once did I feel like the weirdo. It was like I was finally home. — LP

•Very grateful to shared so many brilliant and meaningful memories together. Such a giving, curious and humble group and absolutely flawless execution. It’s going to take me a day or two to relearn how to make any decisions again. I do quite a few of these kinds of trips and can confidently say this one now tops my list. The people, content, location, organisation were all magnificent. — RY

•The highlight of my year! — BL

•I loved every second of it and met some amazing people I hope to remain in close contact with. I feel very inspired and refreshed for the challenges that lie ahead. I can’t remember a week when I heard so many fresh and inspiring perspectives on everything from deep learning to ballet. — TK

•It’s been amazing to make so many true connections, get such amazing brain stimulation, and have such fun. — HE

•It truly was a magical few days. Thank you very much for making the trip so fulfilling and memorable. — AA 

•These events are always perfect. It’s mind boggling. Thank you all for the amazing conversations. — YB

•It was absolutely magical and I’m so grateful to be part of VOYAGERS. Really transformative and inspiring, full of good and positive relationships, for life and business, for growth. — CRF

•Your sensitivity, warmth, attention to details, fantastic curation and thoughtfulness throughout made a massive difference to the overall experience. — GS

•Such an unmitigated absolute delight… This was truly my DREAM TRIP. Pinching myself. A dozen provocative shows, a warm and terribly interesting group of new friends, scenic picnics, and why not throw in a historic castle?! How lucky are we. — MG

•WOW! Experiment was off the hook and no feathers pulled or ‘say better’ needed. Your fastidious attention to EVERYTHING and gentle nudging and corralling was masterful. — TS

•What a delight — I enjoyed learning about new ways of telling stories, to each other, and from the unexpected. Incredible curation and timing. — RM

•The best trip I had for a very long time… — US

•A truly wonderful experience. The ripples of energy you curated will flow long and far. Thank you for your excellence and grace in execution. — RV

•What a treat to be part of this creative and dynamic group. I would like to thank each one of you for contributing to this phenomenal experience.  I am grateful for these precious moments we all spent together. — PSS

•What an incredible group and experience! Can’t wait until the next gathering! — BP

•Spectacular organisation… wonderful company. — NM

•A near perfect spiritual exercise and the highlight of my summer. — DL

•So, OMGGGGG Edinburgh. That’s really all I can say. That and thank you times a zillion. Just filled out my feedback form, but in no way captured the magic. I so hope you are basking in the glow of creating/facilitating what people have said was ‘a cult-like experience without the creepy’. Or at the very least, that you’ve had a proper nap. — LE

•Thank you again for all of the hard work put into our Edinburgh Fringe trip, it was indeed unforgettable. — SS