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VOYAGERS 2022 Italian Palazzo adventure: Feedback from participants

•An incredible experience — I’m pretty sure some of these encounters are going to be game-changers for me / my company — EM

•I’m beyond grateful to be part of the community and I’m looking forward to the next adventure together.  Thanks again for creating the space for magic. — MB

•Thank you for organising such a beautiful, friendly and insightful adventure and nurturing such a fruitful and vivid community. I adored this week-end and all the multiple levels of interactions it made possible. Insights from discussions were simply invaluable. Some lasting friendships sprung from these few days. — BD

•I found the experience to be genuinely path changing. To spend such an intense period of sharing with a group like that has been so thought provoking, inspirational and somehow just massively renewing. — SL

•50 incredible mission-driven individuals who have triggered an interstellar journey of my mind and soul. I find it difficult to put my gratitude in words. I’ve also made life-long friends whose ambitious missions I cannot wait to support in various ways, and vice versa. — SA

•What an incredible VOYAGERS experience, spending quality time with such kind, thoughtful, giving, brilliant game-changers. Couldn’t have come at a more needed time in my life. — JK

•The past few days have been the most intensely packed with fascinating, inspirational and somewhat therapeutic conversations I’ve experienced. From founders a little earlier in the journey, to peers facing our same challenges, to founders who’ve done it all multiple times, I’m just processing the effect this weekend will have on our business. But I can certainly say it will be measurable and very positive! — SL

•I come away with the feeling that I have strong support on my back and being encouraged in what I do; I feel even more resilient now. — AMR

•Thank you for creating an environment which facilitated such authentic connections. Thank you so much for inspiring us!! I feel excited and invigorated for the next chapter. — SK

•Incredible curation of people and experiences as always. Just fantastic. An incredible trip. — LT

•Such an incredible time, so many inspiring conversations that had me scribbling in my notebook throughout the trip and journey home. Priceless lessons and inspiration. I’ve come away feeling excited and reenergised. A lot of work clearly went into pulling off a trip that felt so seamless — the community you have built is nothing short of magical. — BW

• It was one of the most exceptional trips I have ever made. You and the team are so insanely talented in curating a group of like-minders. It really gave me the energy to continue and fight in healthcare. It was so so much fun! The biggest compliment I can give is what I thought on every single day: There is no place I’d rather be right now. — DK